Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year, Now Find A Job

My wife and I have now joined the many other Americans out there that have been told that they need to find a new job, because the one they have will no longer be. Yesterday, January 2, I was informed that my contractor position at the refinery as Workstation Technician will no longer be needed. From what it sounds like it is because of budget and the centralizing of IT services to Wichita, KS.

Alicia (my wife) and I have wanted to move to the Tennessee area now for some time. I struggle with if this is good time for that move. We have a lease with our current apartment until the end of May though. It is also hard to search and interview for jobs in another state. I would almost need to live in the area that I am looking for a job, unless I found a job that would be able to cover the cost of travel for interview and help with moving. The other idea is if I could find a free place to live while I find a job and Alicia and continue here in the Twin Cities until the lease is up. This makes tough issues with being married and all.

If anyone has any ideas or job offers, please let me know. We are tossing and turning with what would be the best solution for us.

1 comment:

  1. Interviewing out of state doesn't necessarily have to be that difficult. Make a point to schedule all your interviews within a couple or few days so you could get them all done in one trip. Some places might pay for your trip there, accomodations and traveling expenses to get you home (or possibly negotiate something if you can't afford all the expense out of pocket just for one interview). But, with pretty much everyone downsizing their company, entry level positions are probably not the most available. They could be getting filled with people who are more qualified but whose positions were eliminated at a previous employer. My brother in law is a developer and recently had to find a new job but found something in the twin cities, I don't know what all you can do but I could see if he would know of anything. Just let me know if you want me to talk to him.
